Message sent from:

Class Teacher- Mr Falconio

Class Newsletters-

Class Reminders-

Monday- Swimming Kit

Tuesday- PE Kit

Wednesday- Homework Due

Thursday- Homework Set

Friday- Forest School Clothing

General Reminders-

Please encourage your child to read at home and access TT Rockstars and spelling shed. Their logins for these websites are in their school diaries.

Key Dates-

Monday 20th January 2025- Y6 residential infomation evening- 4PM at Bardney Primary School

Sunday 2nd February 2025- Young Writers Permission- Our class entered a writing competition and all of the children were chosen to be published in a book! If you would like your child's work to be published, please follow the steps in the letter sent home. If you have any questions about this, please ask. Well done Y5,6!

Monday 10th February 2025- Achievement assembly 



Useful links-

Times Tables Rock Stars- The children's logins are in their school diaries.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)

Spelling Shed- The children's logins are in their school diaries.

I will be setting weekly assignments for the children. Please use this link to access the games and activities. 



This term, we have been experimenting with circuits and testing what circuits need to work!