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Beige Cute Welcome to Our Classroom Classroom Banner (4)

Class Teacher: Mr St Julien

Key Information: 

Forest school will continue this year, but on Friday afternoons. Please make sure children have wellies/old trainers, coats/waterproof clothing in school for that day. 

Please don't forget to sign reading diaries when children have read at home. If children read 5 or more times a week they will earn a raffle ticket towards winning a book of their choice. 

Please can children practise their time tables on TTRockstars - scroll down for the link. 

Children should now all have access to Edshed.com where they can practise their spellings through various games - the link is at the bottom of the page. 

This term we are joined by Miss Moore who is a student teacher in the final year of her teaching training. 


Important dates: 

. Monday 10th February - 2.45pm Achievement Assembly  

Our art work!

Recently in art we have been focusing on abstract art. Each of us created our own abstract art piece that meant something to us. This was represented through colour, shape and pattern. Following this, we explored the art work of Kadinsky and re-created his art work.


R.E learning

Recently in R.E we have been looking at Hinduism. We have learnt about all the different representations of Brahman and the Samsara (The cycle of life).

Half term Newsletter

Useful links

TT RockstarsEdshed