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Collective worship

mELANGElL sTORY WITH Reverend Sue and Eira May 2024

Reverend Sue visited to tell us the story of St Melangell, who's story features hares - like the ones on our logo. After hearing the story Eira, a local harpist, played beautiful music for us and together joined in a song with the harp as an accompaniment. Eira was so impressed with the children's questions and ideas that she has asked to come back, and we look forward to seeing both Eira and Reverend Sue again soon! 


Easter service April 2024

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We had our annual Easter Service in Bucknall St Margaret's at the end of the Spring term. It was lovely to have some many parents attend, and the service was led by the wonderful Reverend Sue and Deacon Jane. Some of the children also took part, the Year 6s read Easter prayers, and our Bucknall School Choir sang a beautiful rendition of 'Glorious' by David Archuleta. 

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