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School council

easter egg decorating competition

This year the school council have hosted an egg decorating competion with the theme of 'animals'. 

We have been blown away by the entries, everyone who has taken part should be so proud! Prizes and certificates were awarded by the school council during our Easter church service. 


The council presenting the Egg competition winners with certificates and prizes. 

School council board

School Council have been working hard already this year and our new members Isla, Rose, Matthew and Harrison have wowed us with their great ideas and plans. Our aims for this year are:

  • To decide on focus charities that are important to us, and fundraising ideas for raising donations.
  • Help to plot out many exciting events for the year ahead. 
  • To think of ways to support and involve our local community. 
Save the children


Our first focus charity is Save the Children. 

We organised a Community Harvest Event to open the school to our local village and to fundraise for Savet the Children. 

The School Council helped to organise a tombola, pumpkin carving competition, bake sale and Mrs Johnson provided free soup made by baking club. 

We were also joined by local author Mary Porter, who shared some of her children's book with us. 

The event was a great success, and it was lovely to welcome so many new and familar faces. 


To end the term the school council voted on holding a Halloween party.

After lots of organising, decorating and help from parents the children had a spooktacular time! 

Halloween party